Thursday, 22 September 2011

The next 4 days in hospital....

....16th September - Maisie's background morphine was taken off this morning, she was left attached to it just in case a push of the button was needed. Maisie was still very groggy today, as to be expected, but seemed to be doing fine. Maisie's line to the morphine was eventually taken out around tea time, she seems to be doing fine without it & me and Alan are both glad they've stopped it, some form of our happy little girl had came back and she was asking to be put on the floor, it was hard to say no to her. Not wanting to put her on the floor with her only being just over 24 hours post-op. Eventually we gave in and put her on the floor, she lifted her top half, then started to cry. We knew it was too soon, but because she kept asking, we thought maybe she would realise it was "too soon". This time round Maisie is refusing to take her painkillers orally, so the nurses are giving her suppositories....

....17th September - Maisie had a pretty good day today, her temperature went up to 39oC, but after some paracetamol & fan brought it down nicely. Because Maisie's temperature was so high they had the little red light attached to her toe, which monitored her blood oxygen levels and her heartbeat. Maisie was sitting with me having a cuddle when all of a sudden this machine she was attached to started beeping, a student nurse came over to have a look, she watched it for a short while, as did me and Alan, the top number (which was her blood oxygen levels) was dropped to 81, after I asked what it should be, she told us above 95. The student nurse went to get a qualified nurse, but they were busy, so she came back to us and this top number dropped to 39 for only a second then went back to being 81 again. I think the student panicked a little and she got the oxygen mask and placed it on my shoulder close to Maisie's face. The oxygen had only been on a matter of 20 seconds before the qualified nurse came over, looked at Maisie, swapped toes with the red light thingy and everything went back to normal. The readings stayed normal for the rest of the time they were monitoring her....

....18th September - We had Maisie out for a lot of day today, she did not want to be on the ward at all and was screaming every time we sat down with her, she wanted to be in our arms walking around the ward, which is OK for a short while, but she soon gets very heavy which leads to back ache and aching arms. We have been told that provided Maisie maintains a good temperature she should be able to go home tomorrow, but that if her temperature did spike again then they would have to take some blood and wait for the cultures to come back. Maisie enjoyed being out and about all day and by bedtime after her last temperature was taken for the day it had managed to stay good all day....

....19th September - By 10am we were told that we were allowed home! Obviously we had to wait for Maisie's medication to be brought down from pharmacy and then we would be free to go home. We took Maisie out for a long walk. Close to lunch time we took her back to The Sick Children's Trust so we could cook her a small frozen pizza we had for her. After she had eaten Alan took Maisie back to the ward to see if her medication was there yet, while I stayed back and packed up all our stuff. Alan had only been gone around a half hour when he rang me to say that he was on his way back, Maisie has been officially discharged and is allowed to go home. We were prescribed paracetamol and diclofenac suppositories this time, and also some lactulose. As soon as we got into our taxi and were on our way home, Maisie face lit up...she was even happier when we stepped through our own front door. Once we had settled in a little at home, I sat and read Maisie's discharge paper, it read:
Clinical Details:
Main Condition Treated:
left developmental dysplasia left hip previous open reduction left hip, subluxation left hip.
Most Invasive Procedure:
Revision open reduction left hip, tissue samples sent for MC+S + hip Spica.
Clinical Summary:
Elective admission for the above procedures under Ms Maizen and Mr Patterson on 15/9/11. No complications. Femoral head appeared reduced in the acetabulum but is mishaped. Appearance due to ?previous infection or ?AVN. MC+S of hip tissues showed no growth after 48 hours. Discharged home with analgesia. To be admitted for change of hip Spica in 6 weeks....

Steph xxxx

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Surgery today...15th September

....Maisie was up by 5.30am, which was ok as it ment that she could have a drink of juice before the 6am cut off time. We let Maisie just run around the ward once all the lights had been turned on, just trying to keep her entertained and her mind off food and juice. At 9.20am we got the call to say theatre were ready for her, which was great timing as Maisie had just started asking for her juice. By 9.40am Maisie was asleep and laid on the bed, the anethatist had to hold her jaw up because it was making her make this odd flapping-type noise and we were led out of the room. We already knew that Maisie's operation would take a little longer than her first open reduction, so we went to sainsbury's cafe for a cuppa tea and bacon sarnie, can't really say either of us enjoyed them...

...At 1pm the call came to say Maisie was in recovery and is ready to be collected. Maisie had been in surgery for 2 1/2 hours. This time Maisie was on a morphine drip, with a background dose of 1ml per hour and a button to press for more if needed...once again we have a casted little girl...
Ms Maizen came around to see us around 4.30pm, she was informed that Maisie had to be given the sickness drug via her canula, because she had been sick twice since getting back onto the ward. The surgeon explained that she had taken all the samples she wanted, and that there was some dead tissue sitting in her socket, which has been removed and some has been sent off to be tested. They had do twist her leg inwards to get a good position of the femur in the socket, she also told us that it wasn't fully dislocated, but that it was subluxed. If her results come back normal at her 6 week cast change and the hip has instability, then the femoral osteotomy will be performed there and then...

...Maisie only managed a little bit of her tea and was really groggy and sleepy from being put to sleep and the morphine...

....The anethatist came round to see us, and because Maisie was sick twice and seems to be doing ok, they agreed to reduce Maisie's background morphine to 0.5ml per hour...

Steph xxxx

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Admission Day....14th September

...Today is the day that Maisie is going to be admitted once again to Grosvenor B children's ward at the Royal London Hospital, in preparation for her second open reduction. I eagerly awaited for 9am to come so i could ring the admissions office to make sure there was a bed for Maisie. Once it was 9am, i rang the admissions office and the woman who answered said that she would have to speak to the bed manager and get back to me. So i waited an hour then rang her back, with needing to know so we can travel to London, there was still no news, but said she would ring as soon as she heard back. She rang back about 50 minutes later and confirmed there was a bed for Maisie and confirmed we could be on the ward for 3pm...

....Once again we are staying at The Sick Children's Trust - Stevenson House, after dropping our bags off, nipped to the shop, then got Maisie to the ward on time. After going through all the paperwork with the nurse, Maisie's surgeon came to see us and explained that Maisie should be taken to theatre between 10-10.30am, she did say that they will know a lot more once they have her opened up and are inside, while they are in they will be taking tissue and bone samples to be sent off to the microbiologist, which provided they come back OK, then it will be possible if needed to for Maisie to have a Femoral Osteotomy at her 6 week cast change. It was explained that if there was a slight infection, then putting the hardware in could make it worse, so we have to wait and see. Also she would be cleaning her hip bones. Maisie had settled herself into the ward pretty much straight away and was really enjoying running around the ward...

Ms Maizen - the surgeon left a lovely drawing on Maisie's left leg...

...Miss Ballooniverse came onto the ward and Made this balloon flower bracelet.

Maisie looking like she's enjoying the hospital food, this was the only time she ate the hospital food

Steph xxxx

MRI results...13th September 2011

...The eagerly awaited and a little late phone call from Maisie's surgeon came today. Maisie's MRI results show that the hip has dislocated, but she was reluctant to do two surgeries in one in case there is some infection, as putting hardware inside her body could make an infection worse. She would send off samples of the tissue and bone of her hip to the microbiologists to be tested, but we would not receive these until the 6 week cast change. Also there is some oedema around her bone, but not in her hip socket. So off we go back to the Royal London Hospital for Maisie's second operation....

Steph xxxx